Resizing FBD-elements

How to resize an FBD-element in the →graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Point to an edge of the FBD-element that you want to resize.
    Result: The mouse cursor changes its shape.

    In case of a block, the mouse cursor might not change its shape.

    If the mouse cursor does not change its shape when pointing to the edge of a →block but the input/output of the block is selected, press and hold the Alt-key when pointing to the edge. Now the mouse pointer to resize the block is displayed. Press and hold the Alt-key also during the next step.

  1. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the edge to the requested size and release the primary mouse button.
    During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted.  If the element is presented with a red rectangle, the resizing is not possible. If you have enlarged the →call of an expandable →block and the setting Expandable within the interface editor is checked, additional in-/outputs are displayed. Example: The AND block is displayed with 2 inputs at least. When it is enlarged, up to 16 inputs are displayed.
    If you position the mouse cursor outside the drawing field while dragging, the drawing field will automatically be scrolled (see "Autoscrolling within the FBD-editor"). 

It is possible to define a default size for blocks within the interface editor – see "Resizing the interface of a block".
(warning) If the setting Fixed size within the interface editor is checked, it is not possible to make a call of the block larger or smaller.

You are able to adjust the size of several FBD-elements in one go:

  1. Select the FBD-element with the requested size. This is the reference element.

  2. Enhance the selection by all FBD-elements for which to change the size (e.g. several →value fields and/or →calls with different sizes).

  3. Open the context menu for the reference element.

  4. Select the command Layout and Same Size. Alternative: Move the mouse cursor onto the reference element and press Ctrl+#.
    Result: The size of the other FBD-elements will be adjusted to the reference size, if there is sufficient free space and/or reference size is not below the minimum height/width of blocks. During this user action, it is possible that affected lines are automatically rerouted
    (info) If you change the size by using the keyboard shortcut and the mouse cursor is not positioned on any of the selected FBD-elements, Neuron Power Engineer determines the FBD-element that has been selected at first to be the reference element.